Wednesday 16 January 2013

More on Global Warming...

Video provided by: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

If this video is correct it depicts how the earth is really hot now and how it might be getting worse as humans across the planet still find it easy to overlook how big bail-outs can be handed over to bankers but not to our extreme need and attention that should be put towards inventions that can help rid the world of power resources that are destroying our planet.

And, although the reason for this global warming maybe questioned in its validity as to one of the reasons accounting for global warming, there is still no major research into the appearance of sink holes appearing throughout areas of the planet which are rich in natural resources which have been mined.

We are still asking questions about why we should go eco when we don't even have passion for the planet we live on...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

3.5 Billion Tons of Trash Swimming around in the Ocean?!!!!

This is really old news but the fact of the matter is that nobody really seems to be doing anything about it.  What's more is that our way of life around the world depends on the consumption of products that eventually find their way in the trash but our definition of trash is little no more a way of saying that they go as is back into the planet either in a river which empties into an ocean or simply swept under the carpet and buried back into the very earth from whence comes our food. 

Monday 23 March 2009

Eco as in eko as in everything in life give to get!

Eco-warriors unite. I know that all of this green media talk may be overwhelming the common public but as they say don't shit where you eat unless you are heavly stocked with sugar that you can coat it with making the reality of it's existence. Under the same circumstances and with the same extremity ALL people on the planer should be re-assessing what exactly off-the grid technology is and how to implement it without having to spend any money period. In the UK and other developed countries they have made it basic legistlation that no-one is allowed to use off the grid technology as defined. If you put solar panels on your house you are enforced to relay the energy firstly to the grid and then via the grid re-route it to it's origin (your home). Actually technically speaking unless you have enough money to own your own land then going off the grid isn't as easy as it sounds. We need to decide what we NEED vs what we WANT and quickly before the Planet we get our off-the grid enjoyment from (LIFE) is going to cease to exist, thus..... you get the idea, if not let me just say that the Dinosaurs are extinct because the planet couldn't sustain them anymore. Below is a video that demonstrates just one off the grid seriously cheap consumer item that has been designed for multipurposes that include the NEED firstly and the WANT as extra features.

Monday 12 May 2008

Like Water for Oil

More and more I have seen autoshows talking about displaying and making technologies available for consumers when it comes to transportation. In most European countries the public transport works on electricity sources from hydro power but what I am really getting at is the recent talk of cars fucntioning on a hydro engine. The possiblity to run a car on a resource that covers more than 75% of our earth's surface should be looked out more closely given that the only emission would be water vapour.

Its a £1Billion Plan to be the Eco-Boo

I have studied the recent accounts by Gordon Brown's government and am appalled to think that they are even considering to re-install coal power plants to generate electricity for England. E.On wants a deal with the government and everyone seems to be looking the other way despite having the knowledge that during and after the industrial revolution the sky in England on most occasion was black but not do to the weather so much as the amount of coal burning facilities based mostly in London. They can't be real, this idea is not going to help reach guidelines set by the EU to cut down on greenhouse emissions.

Global Warming up the Death Toll

I know everyone out there is happy to see the sun shining but sceintists claim that too much heat could claim the lives of the elderly and even the young. Greenhouse gasses are the reason why heat waves are going to be the next big natural disasters warned Scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Recently I did a little tour around the web to look for sites that could give an accurate calculation of my carbon footprint. To my surprise there a lot out there. Google even has there own although I wouldn't necessarily advise anyone to use it. I did find one that particularly caught my eye because it not only calculates it but shows it in relation to the average in your area vs. the average of the country you live in as a whole. All in all an interesting site that also gives you pointers as to what you can do in order to cut down on your emissions.