Tuesday 18 March 2008

The Park Appears Healthy but...

Does anybody know the saying that the forrest looks nice from far away but when you are in the forrest one gets to see each tree in detail. Well, I thought this was beautiful place to walk but was soon to be proved wrong yet again!
As I walked around the park area I noticed peices of paper mostly from candy bars and I encountered several plastic bottles which I used to put the candy wrappers in. Candy ass rapper boys bin it!
Wires of communication could be one serious problem and the reason why nobody cares to care! Wires out and about on the park ground. Communication terrorists, stop it, bin it!
A friend of mine recently told me that bins overflowed onto the streets and as a result a lot of the garbage I was taking pictures of; was just a result of either the garbage collectors not collecting daily, people producing more garbage than could be physically binned, or the bins not having lids on them. After much thought I sat at the side of this obviously over crammed garbage bin in this park and watched as the wind blew the garbage around the park. I went and binned what had flown away and tied this plastic bag to the side of the bin, so that the garbage did not escape. Our ecology problems are not just a problem of people who don't care, but it also includes the people who enforce the collection of the garbage. I tried looking for company name on the bin but as you can imagine, none was to be found. A quick telephone call to the Park Society of Guildford was all I could manage but they too deemed it unimportant. But, this is important to me as much as it should be to everybody who lives on this planet!

Friday 14 March 2008

Binge Drinkers Bin It All Together Now

Bin it! Drink and Bin it or take it with you maybe you can piss in it!

Another Ghost or Maybe its another Plastic Bag

No words for this one, I have seen it so many times...ahhhh...its a ghost! Bin that scary thing!

This is the REAL Reason Binge Drinking Must Stop

One can, one sollution, maybe two sollutions... I was walking by, smoking a cigerette; thinking to myself "where are the ashtrays to put my cigerettes out" when I saw this can in the parking lot of Waitrose and of course I put it to direct use. I put my cigerette out in it, and binned it!

Thursday 13 March 2008

Had A Seat had Something to Eat and Left it All

Picked this up on my way into school, and the worse part was the juice carton was more than half full!

Water and Cigerettes Anybody?

Usually when I see this garbage on the street and take a photo there's always sombody looking at me, like I am crazy when actually its them thats crazy because they saw it and just stood there! I don't just take these pictures I bin in!

Mc Donald the Clown that Laughs Last

I know Mc Donalds is acclaimed to have gone healthy, but how healthy is it leaving their product garbage on the ground. Maybe the food is so filling people's hands swell up and they drop more garbage on the street. Either way this is probably not going to be good for their propaganda scheme!

Wednesday 12 March 2008

A Letter to Gordon Brown Just Ends up In the Street

I just want to stress the fact that all this talk about climate control and adding coal back to the list of cheap energy sollutions for Great Britain is going to have serious effects on the wind factor around England. You would think after several days of strong winds as not seen for at least 20 years starts hitting England that Gordon Brown would reconsider some of his more stupid ideas and invest a bit of cash in renewable energies. I know its easier for him to just throw your letters on the ground and smoke a fag!

No-no-no, Good Attempt, now Bin It!

This was a lousy attempt to bin it! They went the right way with the plastic bag but then they dumped it on the grass in a park.

Dip Yourself into a bit of Recycling

Those french fries must have been so good this person forgot about the dipping the dip container into a bin. Bin it don't dip it!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

There Would Be a Tear in the Marlboro Man's Eye

If smoking causes lung cancer, what does pollution cause?

What Happened to the "Willings" to Recycle

I have seen their commercial thousands of times, I wonder if they have one of the charachters flying over head dropping empty cans of their products down onto the planet!

Another Sticky Situation

Its there, its everywhere! I suppose this was too sticky to get back to!

Do You See What I See

On the side of a street the people think nobody will see, but do you spy with your third eye what they are doing to eco-defy.

One Hand One Man Job

I saw this on my way to school, and I didn't hesitate to pick it up and bin it. (Just so happened to be a newspaper's front page that I write for)

Monday 10 March 2008

Pikey's Revenge or What?

Cry, these pictures make me sick to my stomach!

This Frame is all Wrong

Once again, this frame is all wrong. As a photographer, I don't know if I should cry or laugh.

Have a Seat, Forget about the Nature

Well, how about it a psychiatry couch in the middle of the forest. This looks like a good place for a sofa and a printer!

It Starts with Everybody's Front Yard

You know there is a Buddhist saying that the journey to enlightenment starts with oneself. If this is true keep your yard unpolluted!

Friday 7 March 2008

Actions Speak Louder than Words

As an eco-friendly person, tears and anger flow over my conciousness when I walk about in nature or even public spaces and see people throwing thier garbage onto the sidewalk or other public spaces. Whats worse is nobody ever says anything. How hard is it to act on your words? If you don't see a garbage can or a place to dispose of your waste tuck it away in your pocket until you reach an area where that object can be disposed of.
The worse part about being eco-friendly is that some of the laws created by the health and saftey organizations do not allow buisnesses to supply bins or ashtrays in certain areas. For me its just common sense. So the government who claims to push ecological issues, in fact isn't doing anything to guide humanity to logical statements; either about the enviroment or the upkeep of our surroundings. I guess its what one might call a catch-22.
On March the 7th I started and finsihed picking up cigerette butts thrown onto a green in front my college library. I, myself, am a smoker. I was not happy to repeatedly pass the area and see hundreds of cigerette butts laying everywhere on the grass, so I stopped complaining and cleaned it up. Out of about 2000 students only three other people stopped to help me clean up the mess others had contributed to. Many thanks to Oliver Stubbs (non-smoker), Gillie Shilson (non-smoker), and Erica Evripidou (smoker).