So talking about ecology may help us scrutinize consumerism but what is consumerism doing to scrutinize the amount of garbage we produce. I do a lot of eco-traveling which consists of either walking or horse riding and of course car pooling which does its part but I often find that sustaining the amount of energy for documenting my travels is anti-ecological as much as anybody driving their car up and down a road 5 miles to attain their daily goods. In the last year I have done research on sustainable energies for people who travel. I had previously heard of the Trevor Baylis wind up radio but hadn't quite understood the mechanics behind it. After finding that solar panels were expensive and usually unreliable unless they were in a stable place I realized that the best source of sustainable energy we possess as humans is our movement our energy as beings. The wind up radio is good for a lot of things but I like listening to my music on my travels and most of the time go nuts when I am out in the middle of a Forest wanting to call somebody. The Trevor Baylis Eco_MP3 Player does several things that cut down my necessity for plugging into a power outlet. It recharges my mobile, plays mp3, has a built in light, and although bulky cuts down on unnecessary trips to the city to use electricity.
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